
Information about data protection

Controller under data protection law:
Radeberger Gruppe KG
Darmstädter Landstr. 185
60598 Frankfurt am Main


Contact details of the data protection officer:
Data Protection Officer
Radeberger Gruppe KG
Darmstädter Landstr. 185
60598 Frankfurt am Main


We take the protection of your personal data very seriously; therefore, as a matter of principle, we only collect personal data to the extent required. The following information will give you an overview as to which of your personal data are processed for what purposes when using our websites. We always keep this data protection information up-to-date and adjust it to altered actual or legal framework conditions, if necessary. These adjustments are accepted by using our websites.

Data processing on this website:

1) Automatically generated data
2) Cookies
a) Description and scope of data processing
b) Cookie categories
c) Legal basis
d) Deletion of cookies
e) Special cookies
aa) Adform (Conversion Tracking, Retargeting)
bb) Google Analytics
3) Newsletter / registration
4) Competitions / promotional campaigns
5) Contacting
6) Third-party access
7) Duration of data processing
8) Your rights

1) Automatically generated data

Each time you access our websites, data from your terminal, that may also comprise personal data, are processed automatically in log files. This applies to the following data:

  • Type/version of browser
  • Operating system
  • Name of provider
  • IP address
  • Date and time of visit
  • Websites visited (and any search words)
  • Referrer URL (the site visited previously)

We do not process these data together with other personal data of yours, i.e. we do not assign these data to you personally.

The legal basis for the processing of these data is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Processing is required in order to ensure the functionality of the website and to carry out statistical evaluations in order to optimize and correctly display the contents of the website and, if necessary, to make the information required for prosecution available to the prosecuting authorities, e.g. in the event of a cyber attack. This is also the legitimate interest in data processing. Such data processing is absolutely necessary for the operation of the websites. Consequently, it is not possible to object.

The above-mentioned data will be deleted as soon as they are not required any more for achieving the aforementioned purposes. In the event that your IP address is processed, they will be deleted after 3 months at the latest.

2) Cookies

The different types of cookies and similar technologies used on our website are described below:

a) Description and scope of data processing

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are generated and stored in your Internet browser the first time you visit our website. The next time the website is accessed using the same terminal, the usage data stored therein are either returned to the website that created them (first-party cookie) or sent to another website to which it belongs (third-party cookie). Thus, the website recognizes during later visits of the user whether or that it has been called up with this browser before. As a result, the website can be adapted to the needs of the user when it is visited again, the use of the website can be statistically evaluated and the display of the content displayed can be varied. The term ""cookies"" is used below for all technologies that store user data locally and, if necessary, transfer it to us or third-party providers during your website visit.

b) Cookie categories
Cookies have different storage periods. Our website uses both "permanent cookies" and "session cookies":

aa) Session cookies are stored only during your current visit to our website and serve to enable you to use our services without restriction and to make the most convenient use of our website for the current visit to our site. If session cookies are disabled, there is no guarantee that you will be able to use all of our services without restriction.

bb) Permanent cookies remain temporarily locally stored in your Internet browser even after your visit to our website (temporary cookies) and serve to allow you to use our website as conveniently as possible beyond the current visit and are used by us only for this purpose. Disabling these cookies will generally not affect the usability of our website.

Depending on their function and purpose, cookies can be grouped into the following categories:

aa) Necessary cookies (type 1)
These cookies are mandatory for our website and its functions to work properly. They enable the improvement of the convenient use and performance of websites and the provision of various functions. As a result, information already provided (such as username, language selection or the location where you are), e.g., can be stored to save you re-entering information.

bb) Functional cookies (type 2)
These cookies are used to obtain information about your use of our website. For instance, they allow the identification of particularly popular areas of our website in order to better tailor the contents of our website to your needs. Further information on these cookies and their individual deletion can be found below under e).

cc) Marketing and third-party cookies (type 3)
These cookies are used to display more targeted advertising relevant to the user and adapted to his interests. This information may be shared with third parties, e.g. advertisers. Cookies to improve targeting and advertising are often linked to third-party website functions. Further information on marketing cookies and their individual deletion can also be found below under e).

Our website may also contain third-party content, such as Facebook services or YouTube videos. These third parties may set cookies while you use our website and receive information about this website usage. The cookies are primarily used to integrate social media content such as social plug-ins on our website. Further information on third-party cookies may be found below and on the websites of third-party providers.

c) Legal basis
The cookies only process anonymized and pseudonymized data. The provision of these data is neither legally nor contractually required nor is it required for the conclusion of a contract. Insofar as personal data are also processed in the form of pseudonymized data, the legal basis for this is the consent given by you when you access our website (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

d) Deletion of cookies
You may also visit our website without using cookies. The prevention of the storage of new cookies and the deletion of cookies already set can be achieved by the following measures:
If you have given your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR), we will erase your data, with effect for the future, after you withdraw your consent or after the purpose of processing has ceased to apply. You can send the withdrawal to us by letter or e-mail. For information on the automatic deletion of cookies, please refer to the instructions of your browser or terminal manufacturer. Additional information on functional cookies and marketing cookies (type 2 and type 3) and their individual deletion vis-à-vis specifically designated third parties can be found below.

e) Special cookies
Our website uses various functional and marketing cookies, which are described in more detail below:

aa) Adform:
To improve the convenience and quality of our service, we use the web services Conversion Tracking and Retargeting Technology of Adform ApS, Hovedvagtsgade 6, 1103 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Adform receives and processes the data generated by using the appropriate cookies on our website.

Conversion Tracking: The temporary cookie for conversion tracking is set when a user is in contact with an ad placed by Adform.Users who do not wish to participate in tracking may disable the Adform cookie via their Internet browser.You may remove cookies already saved on your computer by deleting temporary websites.

Retargeting: The temporary cookie makes it possible to specifically target Internet users who have already taken an interest in our website and our products on the websites of our partners. The advertising material is shown during retargeting on the basis of a cookie-based analysis of the previous user behaviour.

Further information on Adform's data protection provisions is available at

bb) Google:
To improve the convenience and quality of our service, the following web services of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (""Google"") are activated on this website. Google receives and processes the data generated by using the corresponding cookies on our website.

(i) Google Analytics:
Google Analytics uses temporary cookies that allow an analysis of your use of the website. The stored data on the use of our website including your IP address ("Usage Data") are usually transmitted to and stored by a Google server in the United States. Please note that on our website Google Analytics has been extended by the code "gat._anonymizeIp();" in order to ensure an anonymized collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). By activating the IP anonymization on our website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

Google will use the above-mentioned information to evaluate your use of our website, to compile reports on the website activities for us and to render further services related to the use of the website and the Internet to us. Google transmits these data to third parties only on the basis of statutory provisions or in the context of third-party processing.

You may prevent the storage of cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website in full.You may also prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of this website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

Further information on Google Analytics is available at this link:
Unless specified otherwise, the special cookies are valid for a maximum of 90 days.

3) Newsletter / registration

Our websites may provide the option of registering or signing up (e.g. for the newsletter) by providing personal data. The type of personal data transmitted to us depends on the relevant registration form. The data you enter will be processed solely for the purposes stated in connection with the registration.

The newsletter is to inform you about us and our news. If you wish to receive the newsletter, we will need your valid e-mail address and information that allows us to check that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided or that the owner of that address agrees to receipt of the newsletter. These data will only be used for sending the newsletter.

When you register / sign up for the newsletter, we will store your IP address as well as the time and date of registration. This data processing is required in order to prevent any misuse of our services (e.g. as evidence in the event that a third party abuses an e-mail address or because crimes that have been committed could be solved by means of these data). This is the basis for the legitimate interests in data processing. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) (a), (b) and (f) GDPR.

After registering for the newsletter, you will receive an e-mail to the address stated containing a confirmation link. Only after activating this link will your registration be successful. Should the link not be activated during the period specified, the data provided will be deleted.

4) Competitions / promotional campaigns

If you take part in a competition or similar campaign organized by us, we will process the personal data you provide in order to carry out the campaign and document it, etc. As a matter of principle, data will only be transmitted to third parties if this is required for processing or implementation (e.g. to service providers for the purpose of sending the prizes or the like). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) (b) and (f) GDPR. You will also find detailed information on data processing in connection with competitions and similar campaigns in the conditions of participation of the campaign in question.

5) Contacting

If you contact us by e-mail, social media, contact form or in any other manner (e.g. in connection with an inquiry, complaint or the like), we will process the personal data you provide. Processing takes place to deal with the inquiry/complaint or the like and to document it. Data will only be transmitted to third parties if this is required for processing or implementation (e.g. to the organizer in the case of registrations for an event). The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) (a), (b) and (f) GDPR.

6) Third-party access

Data processing is only done by us and, if necessary, by service providers engaged by us as well as, in the event that you give your consent or in the context of contractual relationships, also by other third parties and in the event of pseudonymized data also by companies of Oetker Group with which we are affiliated. Otherwise, we will only process your personal data on the basis of an official or legal obligation.

7) Duration of data processing

We will only process your personal data as long as the purposes specified for the relevant processing within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) GDPR continue to exist and/or until the limitation periods of any claims and statutory obligations to store the data have expired.

8) Your rights

You always have a right of access regarding the data stored with regard to you and a right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and a right to object (Art. 15-21 GDPR), a right to withdraw your consent, if applicable, (with effect for the future, Art. 7 GDPR) and a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR).

If you wish to assert your rights or have any questions that this data protection information could not answer, please send a letter or an e-mail to our data protection officer (for contact details, see above)."

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